2022-2023 Sweepstakes Final
Rob/Amanda Wampner/Wampner |
Kersten Zimmerman |
Rob/Amanda Wampner/Wampner |
Grace Bigley |
Jennifer Schimpf |
Dylan Neely |
Deb Morrison |
Dylan Neely |
Janis Horan |
Bailee Cupit |
Susan Albright |
Brooklynn Powell |
Griffin Harrah |
Dylan Neely |
Jennifer Schimpf |
Danica Keele |
Jennifer Schimpf |
Danica Keele |
Griffin Harrah |
Dylan Neely |
Griffin Harrah |
Bailee Cupit |
Susan Albright |
Brooklyn Powell |
July 01, 2023 through March 01, 2024
Sweepstakes points will be tabulated by the following scale:
First Place = 6 times the number in the class
Second Place = 4 times the number in the class
Third Place = 3 times the number in the class
Fourth Place = 2 times the number in the class
Fifth place = 1 times the number in the class
Best of Variety = 1 point times the number in the variety
Best Opposite Sex of Variety = ½ point times the number in the variety
Best of Breed = 1 point times the number in the breed
Best Opposite Sex of Breed = ½ point times the number in the breed
Quality points will be tabulated by the following scale:
Best In Show = 4 points
Reserve in Show = 3 points
Best 4 class = 3 points
Best of Breed = 4 points
Best Opp. Sex Breed = 3 points
Best of Variety = 2 points
Best Opposite Sex Variety = 1 point
Sweepstakes points accumulated at the ARBA Convention and the All
Havana Show will be tabulated by the following scale:
First place -- 12 times the number in the class
Second Place-- 10 times the number in the class
Third Place-- 8 times the number in the class
Fourth Place-- 7 times the number in the class
Fifth Place- - 6 times the number in the class
Sixth Place— 5 times the number in the class
Seventh Place – 4 times the number in the class
Eighth Place— 3 times the number in the class
Ninth Place— 2 times the number in the class
Tenth Place— 1 times the number in the class
Best of Variety— 1 point times the number in the variety
Best Opposite of Variety—1/2 point times the number in the variety
Best of Breed—1 point times the number in the breed
Best Opposite Sex—1/2 point times the number in the breed
Section 7 Bonus points earned for winning Best of Breed and Best
Opposite of Breed Specials will be added to the total points category only.
Bonus points won for winning Best of Variety and Best Opposite of Variety
Specials will be added to both Total and Variety points categories
First Place = 6 times the number in the class
Second Place = 4 times the number in the class
Third Place = 3 times the number in the class
Fourth Place = 2 times the number in the class
Fifth place = 1 times the number in the class
Best of Variety = 1 point times the number in the variety
Best Opposite Sex of Variety = ½ point times the number in the variety
Best of Breed = 1 point times the number in the breed
Best Opposite Sex of Breed = ½ point times the number in the breed
Quality points will be tabulated by the following scale:
Best In Show = 4 points
Reserve in Show = 3 points
Best 4 class = 3 points
Best of Breed = 4 points
Best Opp. Sex Breed = 3 points
Best of Variety = 2 points
Best Opposite Sex Variety = 1 point
Sweepstakes points accumulated at the ARBA Convention and the All
Havana Show will be tabulated by the following scale:
First place -- 12 times the number in the class
Second Place-- 10 times the number in the class
Third Place-- 8 times the number in the class
Fourth Place-- 7 times the number in the class
Fifth Place- - 6 times the number in the class
Sixth Place— 5 times the number in the class
Seventh Place – 4 times the number in the class
Eighth Place— 3 times the number in the class
Ninth Place— 2 times the number in the class
Tenth Place— 1 times the number in the class
Best of Variety— 1 point times the number in the variety
Best Opposite of Variety—1/2 point times the number in the variety
Best of Breed—1 point times the number in the breed
Best Opposite Sex—1/2 point times the number in the breed
Section 7 Bonus points earned for winning Best of Breed and Best
Opposite of Breed Specials will be added to the total points category only.
Bonus points won for winning Best of Variety and Best Opposite of Variety
Specials will be added to both Total and Variety points categories